When you are using your computer to work, your eyes are the first things that are going to get tired – Not your shoulders, your wrists, or your back. Your eyes are what are constantly darting across the screen as you are typing, scrolling around, and picking up with your eyes. Then, if you are getting a call or a text from a friend or loved one, you will then look down at your phone, which is also a screen, and strain your eyes on the small screen and tiny text, then look back up at your bigger screen. Your eyes are constantly staring at and looking at screens all day from when you wake up and check your phone, to when you go to sleep and fall asleep watching TV. There are so many things that we do that involves screens, that it is actually crazy! However, there are better ways of looking at screens. There are special glasses that you can get that help protect your eyes from the glare of the screen that is usually the culprit of eye fatigue. Also, those lights from the screen can dull your vision. However, sometimes you might forget your glasses at home, or at work, and you won’t think to pick it up and put it on when you think you are only working at your computer for a little while or when you are working on a tablet. This is where an LCD flat panel desktop monitor might come in handy.
LCD is so great when it comes to a monitor because it makes the image more clear and brighter. When you are working with documents with lots of text or fine detailed images, then not having to strain your eyes looking at the screen is a win. Plus, if you are working on a small work space, for example if you have a home office and are having to accommodate everything else in your life as well as your work space, then having a flat screen is great for saving space.
With an LCD flat panel desktop monitor you can not only save your eyes, but save space at the same time.